Investing Strategies for 2021

Kristian Finfrock
2 min readMay 13, 2021


The article and opinions in this publication are for general information only and are not intended to provide specific advice or recommendations for any individual. We suggest that you consult your accountant, tax, or legal advisor with regard to your individual situation.

Since the pandemic caused a significant impact on every industry globally for all of 2021, investments have started to adapt accordingly. Many industries had to close down, which led them to lose a lot of money and, in turn, made them less desirable investments. With the Covid-19 vaccine becoming more widespread in 2021, industries have started to open up and increase their cash flows again. This doesn’t mean that investments have gone back to the way they were; there are many new aspects to consider now that the pandemic has modified the world. Let’s take a look at some of the best investments to make this year, as featured in an article on .

Increasing Your Cash Reserves

The market will not be exactly the same as in 2020, so you will need to plan accordingly. The truth is that there is no concrete way to counterbalance losses in stocks with other assets, so this is what makes cash the primary choice. Even when the financial markets are experiencing turmoil, cash maintains its value. It also provides the capital so that you can purchase stocks at relatively reasonable prices. Cash provides liquidity and prepares you for whatever can come next in the market.


Although no one can say for sure where the stock market will head in 2021, averages are predicting that it is in everyone’s best interest to maintain a prominent position in stocks. However, experts are recommending that investors be more selective in what stocks they choose. One stock sector that is moving towards popularity is biotech due to its involvement with the transportation of the Covid vaccine. People are also predicting good reward-risk tradeoffs with commodities such as agricultural products and industrial metals.

Real Estate

The real estate market is looking very mixed this year due to the turbulence in the commercial real estate market and the steady rise in residential real estate. Still, it is definitely worth closely monitoring for the rest of 2021. Experts are still recommending Real Estate Investment Trusts even after their plunge in 2020. Also, when the stock market declines, real estate tends to have a strong performance.

Securities offered through Kalos Capital, Inc. and Investment Advisory Services offered through Kalos Management, Inc., both at 11525 Park Woods Circle, Alpharetta, GA 30005, (678) 356–1100. Retirement Income Strategies is not an affiliate or subsidiary of Kalos Capital, Inc. or Kalos Management, Inc.

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Kristian Finfrock

Located in Madison, Wisconsin, Kristian Finfrock is the Founder of Retirement Income Strategies and a local radio show host. Learn more @